
Dear 2014

I have very good feelings about you (I may or may not have slept through the New Year oops, never take a "nap" a few hours before countdown...) I think everyone is feeling good about 2014 so the collective optimism really gives me a boost and high hopes for the New Year!  Even though 2013 was a little bit of a struggle it feels like 2014 is a long sigh of relief!  In fact 2013 went by a lot faster than I would have ever imagined.  I spent a lot of 2013 being way too sad, doubtful, passive and just a big plain 'ol Debbie Downer but I think I am tired of that! 2013 was a big year for fixing how strangely little I valued myself but I'm happy to report that things are looking much better on that front! So for 2014 no more being down, I was always a terrible optimist anyway!

Here are my goals for the New Year:

1- Learn how to say no without feeling bad: 
I have a really bad habit of being a people pleaser and I always have a difficult time declining anything without resorting to extremes (usually involves avoiding possible situations by staying in bed all day!)  I also have a bad habit of accepting invites out of obligation of being asked which may have landed me at house parties as the designated driver or awkward corner mingler.  I would like to learn how to (apologetically) say no clearly and resolutely out of my own interests! That being said I am the type that likes to do everything so maybe this resolution is moot, but I don't want to go to anymore college house parties!  So maybe this goal should really be instead 'do what I want to do and not feel bad for not doing what I don't want to do.'  You get the idea!

2-  Be more kind:
To others and to myself.  The old saying 'treat others as you would treat yourself' works in reverse too I think.  If I can treat myself well there is no way treating others well will be difficult in anyway!

3-  No more being a meddling kid:
I have a very bad habit of trying to help people out without asking if they want help or assuming that they would benefit from my help!  I have been told it's the 'momma bird' gene in me but more often than not I have been on the opposite side of gratitude (which I totally understand.)  This year I would like to try to not push my help on other people and spend that effort instead on the art of just being a better listener.

4-  Grow my hair out beyond my shoulder blades:
I would love to have long hair!  I am so in awe of my sisters' long locks, I haven't had my hair past my shoulders for such a long time!  There are so many hair looks I could do with that extra length so I hope by this time next year I will have successfully resisted the urge to cut any inches off my hair.

I'm really glad 2013 put up with me, I wasn't in the best sort of mind frame but I'm feeling much better already!  Here's to a happy happy happy 2014 filled with love and kindness for everyone!  (I can't believe I slept through the countdown, I really can sleep through everything!)

Happy New Year!!!

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